Upcoming Exhibition

St. Paul’s Catholic Parish, Albion Park

As part of their 40th anniversary celebrations, St. Paul’s will be holding an exhibition of Vladimir Tichy’s works. The exhibition will be held in the church hall and a selection of the works on display will be available for purchase.

The interior of the church is also decorated with specially commissioned murals. These include 3 large murals of Jesus, smaller Way of the Cross murals and statues of Madonna and baby Jesus. The church altar and podium are lined with hand made tiles and specially designed candle holders.


‘Tichy exhibit’ & 40th anniversary celebration details:

Friday 23 January, 6:30pm: Official exhibition opening and launch of the special commemorative book written by Wendy Nunan. Wine & cheese supper.

Saturday 24 January, 9:30am: Mass to celebrate the 40th anniversary. Followed by a special morning tea in the hall. The ‘Tichy exhibit’ to remain open from 10am to 6pm.

Sunday 25 January, 9:30am: Mass to celebrate the 40th anniversary (to include blessing by Bishop Peter Ingham of the restored cross and bell tower). Followed by morning tea in the hall, with BBQ brunch and outdoor family activities. ‘Tichy exhibit’ open from after the 7.30am Mass until 12noon.


For more information, visit the St. Paul’s Catholic Parish website here.



St. Paul's Catholic Parish, Albion Park As part of their 40th anniversary celebradmins, 14 Jan 2015

On June 25th 2013, the Hills Shire Times ran a feature article, 'Legacy Lost', on Vladmir Tichy's muadmins, 17 Dec 2014